Continent Worldwide Hotels Brings Swiss Inn Premium Collection Brand to Mardin

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Continent Worldwide Hotels, a franchise and management company that proudly represents Turkey abroad and houses some of the fastest-growing hotel brands internationally, is adding another hotel to Mardin, one of Turkey's most beautiful cities known for its historical and touristic appeal.
Jun 17, 2024
In the 'Old Mardin' area, which is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Mardin, a magnificent building that blends with the region's texture has been agreed to be operated by Continent Worldwide Hotels under the Swiss Inn 'Premium Collection' upper segment brand. The agreement was recently reached, and the contracts were signed.
The investor company, Artuklu Kervansarayı Tourism Investments Construction Transport Industry and Trade Ltd. Co., and its Chairman Mr. Sabahattin Evrensel, operate in many different fields in the region, including tourism, construction, and many other areas. "As long as our company exists, we will be honored to serve Mardin," continues its projects with the motto of Mr. Sabahattin Evrensel. The company has also undertaken many projects that add value to the region and Mardin, such as the Sakıp Sabancı City Museum, Dilek Sabancı Art Gallery Restoration, Mardin Historical Streets Rehabilitation, Midyat Historical Guest House Street Rehabilitation, Savur Street Rehabilitation, Demolition of Concrete Structures in Historical Areas, and the Rehabilitation of the Maturation Institute Stairs.

At the same time, the company continues in the tourism and hospitality sector and currently operates one of the most popular hotels in the region, Artuklu Kervansaray. Built by the Artukids in 1275 and converted into a hotel after restoration in 2004, this building is one of the first caravansaries in history in the region.
Mr. Sabahattin Evrensel stated the following during the signing ceremony: “As a company that has been trying to add very special values to Mardin for years and acts with the principle of voluntarism, when we aimed to bring another facility to the accommodation sector, which is always lacking in Old Mardin and its surroundings, this time we also addressed an issue that we believe is lacking in the region. Yes, there were many small and large facilities in the region, but unfortunately, there was no 'branded' facility. With our new investment, we have built an authentic and upper segment facility that suits the texture of the region and also decided to partner with a company that we believe will take us to international platforms. As a result of this decision, it seemed most logical to us to partner with the Swiss Inn brand of Continent Worldwide Hotels.
Swiss Inn Premium Collection Mardin, in the upper segment category of the Swiss Inn brand, aims to start operations in September 2024. This new facility will include a main restaurant, a fine dining a la carte restaurant and terrace, multi-purpose meeting rooms, and a male/female spa center. Its rooms will have wonderful decorations combined with the historical texture.
At the contract signing ceremony, Ethem Zagikyan, Chairman of Continent Worldwide Hotels, said: "We are happy to bring a new brand with international standards to Mardin, which is both local and international. With our project, we have added beauty to the beauty of Old Mardin's historical texture. This makes us proud. We would also like to especially thank Mr. Sabahattin Evrensel, who provided us with this opportunity and trusted us," he continued.
"Our investor-friendly approach and efforts to keep national capital within the country continue with great synergy alongside our investors who share the same values and support local hotel firms."