Swiss Inn Express by Continent will be launched in Biga Çanakkale...

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Continental Worldwide Hotels, a franchise and management company that represents Turkey successfully abroad and holds the fastest growth rate internationally, continues to expand within Turkey.
Nov 6, 2023
Recently, in collaboration with Master Realtor real estate and business development firm, they signed agreements for 10 locations comprising 10 hotels and commenced a resort and thermal hotel project in Ilgın, Konya, apart from pursuing new projects with individual investors.
Under the agreement with BTG Construction continuing activities in Bursa, a 38-room boutique hotel project in progress in Biga, Çanakkale will operate under the 'Swiss Inn Express' brand, a segment of Continent Worldwide Hotels' 'Swiss Inn by Continent'. The facility, in addition to the 38 rooms, will house a 'Coffee Shop', accessible to coffee enthusiasts with an independent entrance from the hotel.
The project is being managed by Platform Hotel Solutions, in collaboration with the architectural office and the hotel concept partnership. The establishment is expected to be ready for operation around February 2024.
Berat Göral, the Chairman of BTG Construction, stated, 'As our project progresses, we initiated discussions with various brands. Among the brands we conversed with, Continent Worldwide Hotels stood out as the sole company offering a supportive and investor-friendly approach that could significantly alleviate our workload. They assured us of walking together on this path for our inaugural project in the hospitality sector, providing a trustworthy partnership. They suggested the Swiss Inn Express, a brand that is not only suitable but also appealing to our hotel's capacity. We are delighted to have found a reliable partner through a favorable agreement.'

Ethem Zağikyan, the Chairman of the Board of Continent Worldwide Hotels, commented, 'Swiss Inn Express in Biga is an incredibly significant project and location for us. Considering the scarce number of branded hotels and the existing demand for hotels in Biga and its vicinity, the opening of a Swiss Inn branded hotel in this city makes us very happy... In recent years, due to our endeavors, we have gained substantial momentum internationally, particularly in the Middle East. At present, we are the fastest-growing Turkish hospitality company in the region, possessing over 1300 rooms in the city hotel category. These developments, coupled with our expansion in Turkey, bring us immense joy...'
'Our Guest Loyalty Program predominantly comprises members from the Middle East. The benefits of this program will also extend to our hotels continuing to open in Turkey. Visits from the Middle East to Turkey remain significantly high. As the number of our facilities rapidly increases in Turkey, our transparent relationships with our investors, our investor-friendly policies, and the consultancy support provided during the construction and establishment phases are currently offering a 'one-stop shop' service unlike any other brand in Turkey. We are confident that this approach will lead to even faster growth.' "